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Do You Qualify For a R1CU Credit Card?

A credit card, when responsibly managed and used, provides an important financial tool that you can use in many situations. By keeping your balances low and staying on top of regular payments, you’ll build your credit history, improve your score, and develop a track record as a trustworthy individual worthy of additional loans. That’s the…


How Credit Card Return Protection Works and Benefits

How Return Protection Works Buyer’s remorse is a feeling no shopper wants to experience, especially after deliberating on a big purchase for some time. Thankfully, many stores today are quite accepting in their return policies and receiving your money back usually does not require jumping through too many hoops. However, that is not a universal…


8 Tips To Manage Your Credit Card Debt

Helpful Tips for Managing Your Credit Card Debt Did you know that the average American household carries nearly $10,000 in credit card debt? Many people open their first card with the idea that they will use it to “build good credit” — and that’s certainly possible when used responsibly. However, life often intervenes, and periods…