Membership & Accounts

Are you ready to apply for a membership? You are in the right place. Join us by opening an account online and becoming a member now.

Meet a Specialist by Video Chat or Call 800-375-3674

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What You Need to Know

How do I qualify for membership?

Membership is available to individuals who live or work in Dallas or Northwest Harris counties, within a 10-mile radius of our Carrollton branch, as well as to immediate family members of current members.

How do I begin banking with R1CU?

You can begin banking with us by opening an account online and depositing as little as $25 into an account today!

Prefer to stop in or maybe video chat? Find the nearest location or meet with our membership specialists by video banking.

What do I need to bring?

  • 2 forms of Identification
  • Proof of Residency (if you don’t reside at the address on the Identification provided)
  • At least $25 opening deposit (this could be different depending on the products you choose)

Let’s talk! Find the nearest location or meet with our membership specialists by video banking.

Ready to Get Started?