Skip your loan payment and spend your money on what you want! Use the extra money to buy gifts, go on vacation, or just as some extra money in your pocket. Just fill out the skip-a-pay form and return it to us by mail, fax, or dropping it off at one of our locations.
How it works:
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Skip-A-Payment Program
Form must be signed in order to be accepted. By skipping your loan payment, you authorize Resource One Credit Union to defer your monthly loan payment. A $40 fee for using the Skip-a-Payment program will be collected at the time the skip is applied as part of the deferred payment from your internal share or spending account. Finance charges will continue to accrue on your unpaid balance. The Skip-a-Payment program will extend the final loan payment for each Skip-a-Payment granted on the loan.
Using the Skip-a-Payment program does not change the original loan terms or your legal obligation to Resource One Credit Union.
Mortgages, Home Improvement loans, Line of Credit loans, Balloon Notes, Home Equity, Home Equity Line of Credit, Home Improvement Personal Loans, Credit Builder, Secured Loans, Leases, Lender’s Protection Auto Loans, QuickCash loans, and any loans with an original term greater than 72 months are exempt from the Skip-a-Payment program.
For qualified members. Member account must be in good standing to take advantage of this offer. The credit union reserves the right to determine if prior or subsequent action may disqualify your loan. Skips cannot be consecutive and new loans must have six consecutive payments made on time before taking advantage of this program. Only two skips per loan per annual calendar year (January – December) with a maximum of five for the life of the loan. Only 2 skips are covered by GAP if purchased for a qualifying loan.